Manufacturing Module

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials by hand or by machine to final products, which can be sold to customers.

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials by hand or by machine to final products, which can be sold to customer.

Manufacturing has 2 main steps:

  1. Recipe: Recipe specifies the raw material or ingredients in exact proporations which should be used for manufacturing the final product. For manufacturing a product standard instructions is followed where ingredients or raw materials are processed in exact quantities to have a quality final product.
  2. Production: Based on the recipe added for products, in production it shows the total quantity of all raw materials required for the manufacturing N quantity of product.

There can be further steps like cost calculations, wastage calculations, allocating lot numbers & expiry for the manufactured product.

There can be further steps like cost calculations, wastage calculations, allocating lot numbers & expiry for the manufactured product.

Cost Calculations:
Cost of the final product depends on Raw material cost, Production cost (labour cost, machinery cost, fuel cost for machines like Petrol/LPG/Electricity) & Wastages. Further the selling price will have some profit percentage added to this manufacturing cost.

Wastage Calculations:
Wastage can be of raw materials or final manufactured product.
Wastage of raw materials can be like for example if we take cauliflower, it needs to cleaned by removing leaves & stems, this goes to the wastage because it’s thrown away and not used.
Manufactured product can sometime be wasted by leakage or bad qualtity or some other unstoppable causes.

Lot number:
Generally most of the manufactured items has Lot number which enables tracing of the constituent parts or ingredients as well as labor and equipment records involved in the manufacturing of the product. This enables manufacturers and other entities to perform quality control checks and issue corrections or recall information to subsets of their production output. It also gives consumers an identifier that they can use in contacting the manufacturer and researching the production of goods received.

Expiration Date:
Food products, pharmaceutical product, cosmetics, and to many other manufactured products where the age of the product may impact its safe use has an expiry date added to it. An expiration date or expiry date or best-before or use by date is a previously determined date after which the product should no longer be used.

Manufacturing module helps with all this management easily. 

Checkout the Documentation

Further we also have Permission & Roles to helps you restrict users from accessing some features.

Additional settings are provided to enable or disable editing of ingredients quantity when doing production.
Also prefix can be added to production reference number.

Note that this is not a Standalone application, it is an “Optional” extension to UltimatePOS Advance

Manufacturing module helps with all this management easily. 

Checkout the Documentation

Further we also have Permission & Roles to helps you restrict users from accessing some features.

Additional settings are provided to enable or disable editing of ingredients quantity when doing production.
Also prefix can be added to production reference number.

Note that this is not a Standalone application, it is an “Optional” extension to UltimatePOS Advance

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