HRM Module

This document explains the HRM (Human resource management) feature in Essentials module.

HRM modules consist of:

After you have installed & configured Essentials module you will see the HRM menu along with Essentials menu in the left sidebar.

  1. Leave types & Leaves.
  2. Attendance
  3. Payroll
  4. Holiday
  5. & related setting.

Leave Management

  1. Add leave: Leave Type(dropdown list), Start Date, End Date, Leave type, Reason (text area)
  2. Default status of a leave added is pending
  3. Admin can change the status: status(pending, canceled, approved) by clicking on the leave status column button.
  4. Inbuilt app Notification will be sent to admin when a new leave is added.
  5. Inbuilt app Notification will be sent to the applied user when the status is changed by the admin.
  6. Only admin can delete a leave.
  7. Reference no. Will be generated automatically for every leave to uniquely identify them. You can change the reference no prefix from HRM -> Settings (Leave Reference No. prefix)
  8. Leave Instructions: You can enter special instructions for users before applying for leaves from the settings “Leave Instructions” field.

Leaves Summary for a user

  1. For admin: Admin can view leave summary of all other users. On the leaves page filter by an employee name and it will show the summary at the bottom of the page.
  2. For Users: Always visible to a user his/her summary.

Leave types

  1. Only admin can manage leave type (add or edit)
  2. Fields:
    1. Leave Type: Enter the name of the type of leave.
    2. Max leave counts: Maximum number of leaves allowed for the leave type.
    3. Leave count interval: This can be “Current month” or “Current financial year” or “None”. It is the interval for the maximum leave counts.

For example: If employees can take 12 Sick Leave in 1 year then:
Leave Type = “Sick Leave”
Max leave counts = 12
Leave count interval = “Current financial year”.


Leave Management

  1. Add leave: Leave Type(dropdown list), Start Date, End Date, Leave type, Reason (text area)
  2. Default status of a leave added is pending
  3. Admin can change the status: status(pending, canceled, approved) by clicking on the leave status column button.
  4. Inbuilt app Notification will be sent to admin when a new leave is added.
  5. Inbuilt app Notification will be sent to the applied user when the status is changed by the admin.
  6. Only admin can delete a leave.
  7. Reference no. Will be generated automatically for every leave to uniquely identify them. You can change the reference no prefix from HRM -> Settings (Leave Reference No. prefix)
  8. Leave Instructions: You can enter special instructions for users before applying for leaves from the settings “Leave Instructions” field.

Leaves Summary for a user

  1. For admin: Admin can view leave summary of all other users. On the leaves page filter by an employee name and it will show the summary at the bottom of the page.
  2. For Users: Always visible to a user his/her summary.

Attendance by admin & other users


  1. Users can add their own attendance, admin can add the attendance of every user.
  2. Attendance fields for admin: Employee, Date, Ip address(auto get the user’s IP address), note, clock_in_time, clock_out_time.
  3. Attendance by non-admin users: Users can add their own attendance by clicking on the “Clock In” button present in the top navigation bar and clock-in adding a note. And click on the “Clock Out” button before leaving the workplace for checkout and adding a clock-out note.
  4. Total work hours will be displayed when the admin selects a particular user and it is always visible to a non-admin user.
  5. If the admin wants to add attendance for users & don’t want the user to add their attendance then it can be disabled by unchecking “Allow users to enter their own attendance”

Getting users location in attendance:

When a user/employee clock’s-in the system can save the user’s location from which he/she has put attendance.

NOTE: For the location to work your website must be HTTPS

  1. Enabling Location:
    1. Go to HRM -> Settings -> Attendance Tab.
    2. Check the “Is Location Required?” checkbox & save it

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