Label weighing scale
Label weighing scale integration
A Label weighing scale generates a barcode based on the configuration of Prefix, Product SKU length, Quantity integer part length & Quantity fractional part length.
Enabling & setting it
To enable weighing scale integration in EZIPOS, do the below settings:
- Go to Settings -> Business Settings -> POS -> Check Enable Weighing scale and save it.
- Below it provide the setting for the weighing scale.
- Prefix
- Product SKU length
- Quantity integer part length
- Quantity fractional part length
And save it.
- Go to the POS screen, click on the weighing scale button present next to the product SKU search field, on clicking, it will open a modal where you can scan/enter the barcode generated by the weighing scale. On Successful match of settings and barcode, the product will be added as per the specified quantity in the barcode.
- You can add a shortcut key for weighing scale by going to Settings -> Business Settings -> POS
Suppose if you give the below values in weighing scale settings
Prefix: 25
Product SKU length: 4
Quantity integer part length: 2
Quantity fractional part length: 2
If barcode read from the scale will be: 25 1234 35 50 (without spaces)
It will read the product with SKU 1234 & add quantity 35.50
The price will be automatically calculated by multiplying quantity & unit price.