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Import/Export Products

Import Products:


  1. Go to Products -> Import Products
  2. Download the template file.
  3. Fill all the information as per the displayed columns name & instructions. Don’t remove the heading from template file.
  4. Import the file

Common Errors:

  1. Error: UNIT not found
    Solution: Make sure the unit you provided in excel file is already present in the system. Go to  Products -> Units, add the unit & import the file again.
  2. Error: The separation symbol could not be found the separation symbol could
    Solution: Format your cells in excel as text in your excel for the expiry date field and give the date as specified(11-25-2018).

Not well-defined error:

Many times it can show some not well-defined errors like “non-numeric value encounter” or others

In this case, the best way is to split your import into multiple files.

For example, if you’re importing fil with 500 products, divide it into 2 files of 250 each and import it.

Export Products:

The products can be exported in excel/pdf formats from the list products screen.

In version 4.7.8, a new export feature is added to export the product in the same template as the import product template.

In the list products screen, click the download excel button.

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Point of Sale Management System (Web) for a new point of sale (POS) system, you can get overwhelmed pretty quickly. There are hundreds of options online, each boasting all sorts of features. It can leave you asking yourself, “What do I really need? What extras will help me grow?”

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