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Discounts by Brand, Category, Location

Add/Edit Discount:

  • Name: Enter a meaning full name for the discount.
  • Brand: Select the product brand where it will be applied.
  • Category: Select the produc Category where it will be applied.
  • Location: Select the location
  • Priority: Discount with higher priority will have higher weight, however priority will not be considered for exact matches.
    For example: if there are 2 discounts available for the same brand and/or category then the disount with higher priority will be applied.
  • Discount type: Fixed or Percentage
  • Start At: Start date of the discount.
  • End At: Start date of the discount.
  • Apply in selling price groups: If checked then the discount will be applied in the selling price group price. If not then it will not be applied.
  • Apply in customer groups: If checked then the discount will be applied in the customer group price. If not then it will not be applied.
  • Is active: Activate or not.

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Point of Sale Management System (Web) for a new point of sale (POS) system, you can get overwhelmed pretty quickly. There are hundreds of options online, each boasting all sorts of features. It can leave you asking yourself, “What do I really need? What extras will help me grow?”

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