Android Mobile App Modul

Features in EZi Point Of Sale mobile app:

  1. User Login
  2. List products by location.
  3. Product price using Selling price group
  4. Add to cart, edit unit price, discount, tax of each product
  5. Select existing customer or can add new customer
  6. Search or sell product by scanning a barcode from a mobile camera
  7. Print/share invoice
  8. Pay expenses, customer dues(if permitted)
  9. Attendance (If Essential module is used in web)
  10. View, print, share and edit today’s sales(if permitted)
  11. View, print, and share all sales(if permitted)
  12. View leads, customers, suppliers
  13. Add or edit follow up (If CRM module is used in web)
  14. View payment made with different methods
  15. View total no. of sales, total due amount, total sales amount, the total paid amount
  16. Multiple languages available

Changing Image in the mobile app:

Images for different screens can be changed by replacing them in the Ezi point of sale  web.

Login to Cpanel or FTP, Go to Ezi point of sale codebase, and replace the below-mentioned images:

  1. Splash Screen = public/uploads/mobile/welcome.jpg
  2. Login Screen = public/uploads/mobile/login.jpg
  3. DefaultBusiness Logo = public/uploads/business_default.jpg
  4. No Data image = public/uploads/mobile/no_data.jpg

NOTE: if the mobile folder is missing then simply create it and use

  1. API module is required mobile app to work.
  2. Source code will not be provided.
  3. You’ll get compiled APK (release mode or debug mode) of mobile app

After purchasing:

Send the details to support to get a compiled apk version.

Open a ticket in the support system by selecting “Ezi  point of sale Mobile” as the product and provide the below details:

  1. URL where you have installed EZi point of sale Client id 
  2. Client Secret  
  3. Ezi point of sale username & password  (just for testing the app before giving it to you)

How to get an APK?

Open a ticket in the support system by selecting “Ezi point of sale” as the product and provide the below details:

  1. URL where you have installed Ezi point of sale
  2. Client id
  3. Client Secret
  4. POS username & password  (just for testing the app before giving it to you)


All our support depends on the support of Ezi point of sale.

If your Ezi point of sale support is expired, we request you to renew it, without that we’ll provide the apk, but no support 

Point of Sale Management System (Web) for a new point of sale (POS) system, you can get overwhelmed pretty quickly. There are hundreds of options online, each boasting all sorts of features. It can leave you asking yourself, “What do I really need? What extras will help me grow?”

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Phone: +92321 2225212